0.0.3 Tighter controls, Bouncier Players, Flipped Arena

Initial feedback was that I had made a very difficult game. While that's not always a bad thing, I think this kid-friendly soccer game should not require ultra-instinct to play.

With some modifications to the gliding code, players are now much 'swoopier,' and the larger turn radius should actually help you feel more in control of your craft.

I noticed several moments in which every player was pushing the ball from the different directions and nothing was happening. In an effort to minimize these gridlocks, I made the ball and the players much bouncier and more slippery.

I added some indicator lines to show the height of the goals even when they are out of frame. Also I flipped the arena. I am not sure if I was just bored of the original layout, but I am enjoying it this way. 🙂

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